Lovelight is a Contemporary Christian Music band out of Dallas, Texas. Dictionaries define "lovelight" as a brightness of the eyes characteristic of someone in love, a fond expression of love in a person's eye, the radiance (of the eyes) expressing love. We believe this is a great image that illustrates the way God feels about us! Our God is totally in love with each and every one of us, and his love is unconditional! We are loved, and even when we try to run away from this love, we are found, forgiven, and saved by the grace emanating from the One who loves us. We were in darkness once, broken by sin, and shame. We were afraid to come to the light because we thought an angry God would punish us. But God came down to our darkness, and brought us out to the light, not to condemn us, but to love us. Our wounds were exposed, but only to be healed by God's amazing grace. Our mission is to worship God, sing about his love, and encourage you to come to his light of love to be forgiven, healed, and restored. Let us worship together!

Meet our band members